Welcome to Mt. Laundry (not pictured: a load of towels and bath mats):
After everything's folded, I sort it out on our bed in four sections: top left is mine, top right is Tom's, bottom left is Lexi's, and bottom right is Stasa's (do you see the huge pile of "chew" blankets in Stasa's pile?).
Let's start with Tom's clothes. The closet in our room can't fit both of our stuff, so his stuff is stored in a big armoire, with casual pants and sweaters on a shelf in my closet.
Left side of the armoire: suits, sport jackets, dress pants, and ties
Middle of the armoire: jerseys, dress shirts, and polos (color sorted, of course)
Right side of the armoire: socks, undergarments, and t-shirts
I didn't take a picture of my bureau, but it houses my sweaters, undergarments, socks, and belts. My closet is bigger than it looks - each side extends beyond the doors so some things like most of my pants, jeans, and tank tops aren't pictured. And because I'm anal, everything is color sorted by type of clothing (tank tops, shirts, pants, etc.)
Right side of the closet: tank tops, casual shirts, nursing tanks, and my favorite robe
Left side of the closet: work shirts, work pants, and jeans
Bottom of the closet: part 1 of my shoe collection
Closet shelf (L to R): Tom's sweaters, Tom's pants, my casual pants, sweats, pj pants, and sweatshirts
Now Lexi's room. Let's start with her closet.
Top shelf: diapers, clothes she's outgrown, next size up clothes, plastic bin of extra baby "stuff"
Middle shelf: bibs, sheets, swaddle blankets, and shoes
Hanging: gowns, sleepers, jackets, overalls, dresses, and skirts (I don't color sort the stuff in her closet right now, instead I group like items together)
Bottom shelf: heavier blankets, changing pad and boppy covers
Floor: pack-n-play, extra wipes, jumperoo, bouncer, and highchair
Side bureau: burp cloths, swaddling blankets, and disposable changing pads
Top bureau drawer: hats, diaper covers, bows, headbands, and socks
Middle bureau drawer: "undershirt" onesies and white onesies and t-shirts
Bottom bureau drawer: pants and colored onesies and t-shirts
And finally, Stasa's room.
Top shelf: booster car seats, clothes she's outgrown (in Space Saver bags)
Middle shelf: next size up clothes (in plastic bin), "chew" blankets
Top rung: extra hangers, swimsuits, coverups, Halloween costumes, snowsuit
Middle rung: pjs, robe, shirts (color sorted, obviously)
Bottom rung: skirts and dresses
Bottom shelf: heavier blankets and extra diapers
Floor: clothes she's outgrown (in Space Saver bag), extra wipes, suitcases and bags (all the way to the right - her closet extends beyond the right door)
Top bureau drawer: hair accessories, hair brush, lip gloss (ha ha), nightime music, diaper rash cream
Second bureau drawer: wipes (because she'll take every single one out if we leave the container out), tights, underwear, and socks
Third bureau drawer: sweaters (there's only one right now since it's getting warmer) and shorts
Bottom bureau drawer: pants
Not too bad, right? I love the closet systems we've installed in the girls' closets and desperately need to reorganize our closet because it doesn't fit all of my clothes - a lot of my work clothes and dresses and skirts are in one of our guest room closets. I'm a sucker for organization and I love seeing how other people store/organize things so I might keep these kinds of posts going. We've done a lot to keep our storage spaces organized and I'd love to share them with you and see if you have any ideas to make them better. For now I'm going to celebrate because all of my laundry is D.O.N.E.
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