Mommy, I sick. Go to docta. Docta fik me.
What's that? That McDonald's!
Mommy, it's green. Go!
No nap for Stasa.
It's breassess time!
(turns swing on) Lexi night night NOW.
I've learned that the swaddle is truly my friend...for just about everything. I swaddle for naptime, bedtime, swingtime, sitting-in-my-arm-time, and now I swaddle for a walk around the neighborhood. Lexi really hates her car seat and unfortunately she's too young to just put in the stroller without it, which means she howls through our walks unless one of us takes her out and carries her. As much as I love holding her, it makes walking with a stroller and a toddler a little cumbersome.
Today I needed to get both girls out of the house because Tom had back-to-back conference calls (and of course both girls were being loud). I decided to attempt a solo walk with both kids. I knew there was no way I could push the beast of a double stroller (with Stas in it) AND hold and comfort Lexi, so I swaddled Lexi and buckled the straps around her. Voila! Quiet baby that fell asleep within 5 minutes of walking.
I bought about 25 or so pairs of toddler underwear today in preparation for potty training. I was originally going to start potty training in June and then thought I'd tackle it over Memorial Day weekend, but now I'm thinking I'll just try it this weekend. We're going with the 3-day potty training technique and hopefully that works, but if it doesn't I'll have only lost 3 days and not weeks.
Basically you throw out all of your diapers and keep your toddler in a shirt and undies and nothing else. You throw out the diapers for 2 reasons: so your toddler sees that there are no more diapers for the big girl/boy and so you lose your safety blanket and commit to a successful potty training experience.
You're supposed to constantly remind them to tell you if they have to go potty. In the first 2 days the toddler will have an accident nearly every time they go since they're learning to recognize the signs of needing to go potty. So when the kid starts going in their underwear, you're supposed to run them to the potty and remind them that next time they need to tell you they when they need to go.
I think we'll have success by the end of the third day, but I'm being optimistic. Even the doctor mentioned that Stasa seems ready (after Stasa informed her that she was pooping).
Looks like I'll need to get all of those new undies washed and dried tomorrow. Wish us luck!
Size 9. That's the size shoe I bought Stasa today. SIZE NINE. I swear I *just* bought her size 8 shoes a couple of months ago. I knew she had grown taller because her pants have started to become highwaters/pedal pushers, but I had no idea her feet had already outgrown her size 8 shoes. But you know it's time to move up a size when the toes are starting to hang over the tip of the shoe.
Tummy time is still a group activity 'round these parts. Stasa loves to show off while Lexi's working on strengthening her neck muscles. But she also encourages her little sister to "do it!" and smothers her in kisses when she gets upset.
What do you do when you have a croupy toddler and cranky baby that both demand to be held? You work it out, of course. (Oh, did I mention that Stas got the croup? That's been *tons* of fun.)
Lexi's becoming more expressive each day. She was really hamming it up today.
One word: sisters.
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