The girls bought me a pair of cute grey heels from Zappos and then treated me to lunch at one of my favorite all-you-can-eat sushi bars on Saturday. We got to the restaurant a little early so we sat outside while we waited for them to open. Stasa ran around, pointing to each restaurant and telling us they were "nummy nummy houses". Finally someone from the restaurant came outside to wash the windows and Stasa ran right over to him and struck up a conversation. At one point she pointed to us and told him "that's my mommydaddyLexi" (all one word). He asked Stasa if she wanted to help him clean and she nodded and tried grabbing the cloth to clean the window. I don't think he was expecting her to be so enthusiastic about cleaning. During her nap Tom and I cleaned and detailed the inside of our cars. Wanna guess which spot was the messiest in my car? Yeah, that would be Stasa's area. After her nap we had her help us wash the cars. She was really helpful, until we started rinsing the cars. We would rinse a section and then come back to it to find that she had rewashed it. I think her favorite parts of the car wash was being sprayed with the hose and jumping in all of the soapy puddles. Once the cars were washed, I took Stas inside to dry off and warm up. I bundled her in a towel and she told me that she was a baby and wanted to be wrapped up like Lexi. So I swaddled her and she loved it!
We spent the majority of Sunday at Aunt Peggy's, watching the men (and occasionally Stasa) labor away in the yard. Or rather, we women sat on the deck, sipping our coffee and munching on donuts while the men, including Tom, cleaned up the yard. I love how Stasa had to be right in the middle of the action at all times - she ran back and forth from the "work site" to the deck all morning.
Then Uncle Pat pulled out the leaf blower and she decided that was a bit too loud and scary for her liking and she watched him from the safety of the deck. She kept yelling "Pat done! Pat done!" and applauded when he put the leaf blower away.
She spent the majority of her time shadowing Fuffy and he showed her how to use her rake to help them clean up.
She was a natural.
The men stayed hard at work moving the wood pile and ended up reclaiming about 1/4 of the back yard.
Then Fuffy's girlfriend, Holly, arrived with a little treat for our little monster. RING POP! She was covered in blue and so sticky.
Holly also brought Stasa one of her very favorite things to play with: a balloon.
I ended my Mother's Day by writing my annual self-assessment, which took me much longer than usual, because I had a hard time getting everything to fit in the limited character count.
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