Well, we sent Stasa off to daycare with a bag full of training pants and a few changes of clothes. As of 11:00 am she's already had 4 accidents and isn't even trying to go potty. It's like an entirely different child. She hasn't had that many accidents since we started this whole thing.
To make it easier on everyone we've decided to put her back in Pull Ups at daycare, though I'll be buying the cool alert ones instead of the ones that fade when wet, and we'll keep her in training pants/undies at home.
every time I want to give up I keep hearing that stupid Yo Gabba Gabba song "Keep Trying". She's going to get it. If not today, maybe tomorrow, or maybe a week or month from now.
1 comment:
Just think of it this way Kari ... your Stasa has a strong head and that will serve her well! She will most likely surprise you one of these days by just being done with 'pull-ups' because SHE decided to ... love your blog(-:
Best, Nicola
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