We're still potty training and at this rate I feel we'll be potty training forever (I know, I know, it's only been 4 1/2 days). As of yesterday we entered the power struggle phase. Do you know who wins in a power struggle with a toddler? I can tell you it's definitely not me. So we go with it and stay the course.
Last night Tom told me to take off for a couple of hours to regain some sanity. I went to the mall for a coffee and some retail therapy. Only even then I couldn't fully get away from potty training. I found myself at Borders Express buying the only 2 books they had on potty training. I know you're not supposed to change methods and you have to stay consistent, but I wanted different perspectives to see if maybe we were missing something that would help.
I also got Stasa a princess ABC book with an attached Magna Doodle as a special potty time only book. I knew she'd want it because it has 3 of her favorite things: princesses, ABCs, and drawing. I came home, showed it to her and told her it was only for potty time. Don't you know that girl whipped off her panties and happily sat on the potty. Was this the same kid that refused to go anywhere near the potty not five minutes earlier? See? Power struggle. Only clever mommy won this round.
I went to bed last night thinking "tomorrow's a new day" and was ready to give this whole thing another shot. This morning she peed on the floor in front of me, almost defiant-like. I told her it was yucky pee pee and it needs to go in the potty, made her walk to the potty and sit on it, made her check her panties to feel that they were wet and then made her help clean up her mess. I'm definitely going to make her start cleaning up her messes.
Tom also pointed out that this is the longest she's been cooped up in the house. We weren't even inside this long during the snowpocalypse. Today we're going to attempt our first trip out of the house sans diaper. I'll just be prepared for multiple accidents while we're out.
Tomorrow she's going back to daycare. I need a break.