Monday, May 20, 2013

3 Weeks Old

How did three weeks already fly by? Was it really just three weeks ago that we went to the hospital to meet our little man? Tommy is still such a relaxed baby and we're so grateful for that. We went to an engagement party on Saturday and he was passed around like candy and just slept in everyone's arms. Then Sunday he and I went to a friend's baby shower and he was nice and quiet the whole day AND he didn't spit up all over his adorable Ralph Lauren polo onesie.

He's still sleeping pretty well, but wakes up every hour and a half to two hours to eat, although Saturday night he gave me two three hour stretches of sleep which felt amazing. He's also so much more alert now and will spend a lot of time just gazing around and will happily lay on the floor of the playroom listening to the girls chatter and play.

The girls really love being around him and often argue over whose brother he is. It's just another version of their "that's MY mommy" argument. Always a fun one to listen to. I suppose that's better than the alternative. I remember my mom telling the story of when she brought my brother home from the hospital and I looked at him and told her to send him back because I didn't want a baby brother. These girls don't care at all about the sex of their baby sibling, they just love having a real live baby to play with.

And they'll give anyone holding him the evil eye. At the engagement party Lexi would walk by someone holding Tommy, give them the side eye and proclaim "that's MY brother Tommy." Just in case they weren't aware. Stasa loves getting down on the floor with him and gets so excited when he looks at her or grabs her finger or touches her face. She's fascinated with how small he is and loves caressing his head and kissing his hands.

Tommy is a lucky little boy to have such loving big sisters. Now he may not be as lucky when they realize they can dress him up and make him be one of their royal subjects.

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