Saturday, October 16, 2010

Words, words, and more words

Stasa's really bursting with language now-a-days and is getting really good at mimicking us and understanding how to use the new words. 

boots (she knows the difference between boots and shoes)
Ya Ya (Yiayia)
Chee Chee (Gigi)
Gabba Gabba (for her new favorite show, Yo Gabba Gabba)
broosh (brush)
woof woof
WHOA! (usually when she's opening a package)
ball (instead of it always being baboo)

And it's not just new words, she's starting to put together little 2 and 3 word sentences; though I don't approve of all of them. I got the vacuum out the other night and she pointed to it and said "it's mommy's!" We're just eating up all of it right now. She seems much less frustrated now that she can communicate a little bit and she definitely understands much more now.

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