Thursday, August 29, 2013

Four month stats

We took Tommy to his four month appointment today. Little man is growing in height, but has gotten a little leaner lately so we'll be upping his intake. He's hitting all of his developmental milestones on time (and even a bit early!) and got quite a few vaccinations today.

Tommy's four month stats:
Height: 26.5" (94th percentile)
Weight: 14lbs 8oz (28th percentile according to Baby Connect, but the nurse said it was more like the 45th)
Head: 17" (89th percentile)

And for comparison, here were the girls' stats at that age:

23” (5th percentile)
26.5” (99th percentile)
13lbs 9oz (37th percentile)
13lbs 13oz (40th percentile)

15.75” (29th percentile)

Now that I'm looking at the girls' stats I don't feel like he's that small. For some reason I thought Lexi was 16 pounds at four months, but that was at her six month appointment. 

At four months, Tommy is rolling over from back to belly and belly to back. He's a tummy time master and can really reach his head up, even the nurse was impressed with his head and neck control. He reaches out for and grabs toys, self soothes with a pacifier or his fingers. We're starting to hear more and more babbles from him and he turns to find us when we talk to him. He really really wants to sit up and gets so upset when he's reclined and often uses all of his strength to lift up as much of his body as he can. 

Now with the rolling over. I'm excited that he's doing it because it's a step toward him being able to scoot around, but I'm not so thrilled about the fact that he's doing this in the middle of the night. He'll be dead asleep then somehow rolls over and wakes himself up, so so mad that he's now on his belly so we go in and put him back and soothe him back to sleep only to have him do it again and again and again. And again. Let's hope for all of us that he either figures out how to get back on his back or learns to love belly sleeping. Otherwise I'm going to begin sleep walking permanently. 

The little man is home with me now and is juuuuuuust about to fall asleep. Fingers crossed he gets a good nap in.

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