Last weekend we decided to attempt to capture decent family photos that include the newest little one. The week before I rooted through all of our closets and cast aside multiple outfits and finally settled on pinks and blues since we all had something that would coordinate in those colors. The morning of the shoot, we got the girls ready and then the battle began. Stasa didn't want to wear her dress because the lines on it make her itchy. Why does Lexi get a bow? I want a bow! I don't want a shirt! I want a dress!! And on and on and on.
With Tom's patience and help we were able to get them all in the car and took off for Claude Moore since it's right around the corner. Next time we'll just go back to our common grounds in the neighborhood since it's even closer and has more open shade. But even with a perfect location there's still the challenge of getting three kids to smile or at least look at the camera at the same time.
This nut was both cracking me up and trying my patience.
She had her own agenda and no amount of bribery was going to get her to cooperate unless she wanted to. Stasa was great. She sat when we told her to, smiled when we asked, and even snapped a few pics of me and Tom with my phone. I must have taken 300+ pictures within a half an hour. It was a super fast shoot. My kids don't have any patience for sitting for pictures. All in all we ended up with some shots that I'll be happy to frame.
And my absolute favorite one:
You can see all of the shots on Flickr - just click the My Pictures tab at the top of the blog.
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