The other night while I was making dinner and Tom was simultaneously taking care of Tommy and negotiating with someone from Craigslist, Lexi came downstairs hands out saying "Mommy, I all dirty!" I looked down and there she was hands all covered in black with a black goatee on her face. I initially thought "Crap. Marker." Nope. Expensive mascara. I suppose I should have told her not to get into my makeup. Lesson learned. I got her cleaned up and went back to making dinner. Not five minutes later she came back downstairs. "Mommy, I all dirty!" This time I could smell her when she walked in. Nail polish. Mint green nail polish. On her, my bureau, my bedroom carpet. So, I clean that up with acetone and tell her to stay out of my room. Then I shampoo the carpet to get the acetone out of it. As I'm doing that I hear Stasa walk by the hall bathroom and say "Why's it all wet in here?" I poke my head in and catch Lexi elbow deep in the toilet. She had stuffed an entire container of diaper wipes in there and was playing in the water.
Message received, little one: you need more attention.
Tom and I decided to divide and conquer. We had errands to run, so I took Lexi with me and he took Stas and Tommy to Costco with him. I really played it up to Lexi that it was just the two of us and she loved it. We didn't even do anything fantastic - just a quick trip to Target and then the fabric store, but we did make a quick pitstop at the in-store Starbucks for a chocolate milk and "cake lowlypop" for her. She was in heaven.
Later in the week we switched it up and I took Stas and Tommallama and Tom took Lexi. We decided to get our errands done and then take them out to dinner. I had to make a trip to Sephora so we went to the town center. She was so much fun. We went to dinner first - her choice, cheese pizza and while we were waiting for it to be ready she watched them make fresh pasta. Then we went over to Sephora so I could pick up a new eyeshadow. Stasa was amazed at all of the makeup everywhere and got even more excited when she spotted a makeup counter with her name, Anastasia. I told her pick out some stuff and we'd play with the testers. She chose gold glitter eyeliner and sparkly pink lip gloss. The checkout lady gave her a bag just for her and we put some of the tester brushes in it. After that we stopped for some gelato and then headed back home.
Once home we found Tom and Lexi with a McDonald's meal. Apparently after their trip to Babies R Us he took them to like five different restaurants and left each one because all the Lexifer wanted was applesauce and none of the places had any (or the wait was too long). So he brought her home with some Mickey Dees and gave her applesauce only to have her say she didn't want any. LOL
I do think it helped a bit with the girls and it's something we enjoyed. We just need to find time to do this regularly.
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