We're still getting the hang of changing diapers on the boy. It really feels like the clock's ticking the whole time and we're playing with fire with each second we leave him exposed. It was even harder when we were still putting vaseline for his circumcision and dealing with the umbilical stump. While it's gotten easier since those two have healed, it's still hit or miss with pee getting everywhere. All of that to say, the kid needs to be bathed frequently so he doesn't smell like urine or curdled milk.
We started off bathing him in the sink, but the girls wanted so badly to help us and the sink is too high for them to really see or help. So we moved him to the big tub and decided to let the girls take turns bathing with him. I'm still deciding if this was one of the worst ideas I've had because now the girls argue constantly about whose turn it is to bathe Tommy. The way they carry on about it you'd think they were arguing over who gets the crown jewels. And it's not like they get to do a whole hell of a lot. We put Tommy in his bath seat, have one of the girls hop in the tub with him, and "shower" them both. We let the girls wash his feet, legs, and belly and then have them focus on cleaning their own body. The entire process takes less than 10 minutes.
I guess I should be grateful that they're fighting over who gets to care for their baby brother instead of fighting just to fight. They both love him so much and want to help with everything, sometimes they're overly helpful, like when Tommy's dead asleep and they're trying to stuff his pacifier in his mouth because "he NEEDS it." It does give me hope that they'll be even more helpful when we have our next. Yeah, I know, we're just a little nuts, but we've always wanted a large family.
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