We took Tommy in for his two week well visit this morning. We stripped him down to his diaper only to find that he needed to be changed and then he peed all over the place. Good thing there were two of us - we quickly cleaned up the mess and got him into a dry diaper and ready to get weighed. Here are his two week stats:
Weight: 8 lbs 2 oz (33rd percentile)
Height: 21.25" (73rd percentile)
Head: 14.25" (32nd percentile)
So he's back up to his birth weight, although I really thought he'd be a little heavier since he literally eats around the clock. He's been nursing about every hour and a half lately and then ups it to every hour from 4:00 to 9:00 pm and then gives me a good stretch of sleep and usually wakes up around midnight or 1:00 am. Sometimes he eats twice at that hour, but either way he sleeps until about 4:00 or 5:00 am and then gets up again around 6:30 am. Obviously a lot of nursing is going on which also means there's also a lot of pooping going on.
The past two weeks have flown by and I can't believe that Tom will be going back to work on Monday. I've been trying to let him sleep during the night since I have to be up to feed Tommy anyway. Plus that way he can run interference with the girls when they're home and I can relax with the baby. I'm planning on getting in to a routine with Tommy once we're on our own. Ideally I'd like to fit in a decent walk every day especially if the weather is nice. I think I might try to keep the girls home for one-on-one time every now and then, too. Tom and I kept Stasa home today and she's having a lot of fun just hanging out in the playroom and having all of the toys to herself. We'll be keeping Lexi home tomorrow and having some one-on-one time with her.
We've also been doing tummy time with Tommy to work on strengthening his muscles and head control. He doesn't seem to mind tummy time too much and sometimes gets bored and falls asleep in the middle of it. But he's been able to lift his head and turn it before he gets too annoyed. And he's able to really lift his head and move around when he's laying on one of us.
We've also been taking bets on what color his eyes will end up being. Tom goes back and forth on the color, but I think he might end up with blue eyes. We'll just have to see if they keep getting lighter or if they take a turn towards brown.
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