My stomach is still going down and I think most of the fluid and pregnancy "stuff" is gone, so it's going to be all diet and exercise to get my pre-pregnancy body back. I rejoined Weight Watchers on Saturday and started tracking points yesterday. I weighed in at 173 pounds yesterday and set my first goal for 164 pounds. I think I need to lose about 15-20 pounds to get back into my size 8 pants, which is my goal for my return to work date. I have 10 weeks to lose the weight and tone up. I already packed away my maternity clothes, but can really only fit in to one or two pairs of my jeans, both a size 10. I'd love to just throw on a dress some days, but I kind of forgot how difficult it can be to breastfeed while wearing a dress, so I'm sticking to pants and nursing friendly shirts.
This past weekend my bleeding finally subsided and I haven't had any more painful contractions, thank the good Lord because those suckers KILLED. My heartburn has been gone since little Tommy came out. It always amazes me how quickly it just disappears. This time I got the worst heartburn during labor and ended up taking meds to get rid of it so I was thrilled when it was gone after birth.
Breastfeeding is going really well and I've been using coconut oil instead of lanolin and it's really helped heal my cracked skin. Tommy has a great latch and strong suck which took some getting used to - it's like having a snapping turtle latch on. I call him the snapdragon when he latches. But I'm thankful for another baby who nurses so easily because I wouldn't want to repeat Stasa's initial breastfeeding experience. He was cluster feeding in the evening and then giving me some good stretches of sleep, like three sometimes four hours at night, but now he's taken a leaf out of Lexi's baby book and seems to not want to miss a single meal. This past weekend he ate just about every hour and a half. Of course the two week growth spurt is probably also to blame for the increased demand, but I thought the same thing when Lexi was a baby and that girl never missed a feeding and didn't sleep through the night until she was about 10 months old. But I won't mind if the little man is that way. He's so relaxed and goes into a milk coma after eating and once I move him to his own room I'm sure I'll sleep better.
Yes, he's still in our room. Yes, I've eaten my words from four or five years ago. I said I wouldn't have the kids sleep in our room, but after having kids and then having a slight choking scare with Stasa while we were in the hospital I ate my words and Stas moved into our room for the first few weeks. Well, really we slept on the couch with her on us for the first two weeks, then moved her into our room for another week. Lexi stayed in our room for the first two weeks and then we moved her to the crib. I think I'll probably keep Tommy in the bassinet in our room for another couple of weeks. While he does go into a milk coma he also tends to spit up long after eating (even with lots of burping) and we're both a bit paranoid that he'll choke so I feel better having him right next to me. And because he's right next to me I wake up at the slightest noise and like all new babies he makes a ton of little noises and grunts "eh eh eh" in his sleep. At least I'm able to nap during the day and that helps me feel a little more human.
Oddly enough this pregnancy and recovery has been the easiest so far. I was definitely more tired this time around, but that's only to be expected when you're pregnant and running after two young kids. Tom and I agreed that having to keep the girls on their schedule after Tommy was born has really helped us keep a normal schedule. When Stasa was born we were sleeping during the day, up at night and it was really hard to transition back to our regular schedule. We were better when Lexi was born, but this time has been the best schedule-wise. Routine has been one of the keys to success for us with the girls. And it's probably also why I feel like my normal, although somewhat sleep-deprived, self.
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