Last weekend we went shopping with Katie and we stopped in at Claire's to check out their children's hair accessories. While we were in there I spied a display of children's sunglasses and in the midst of those were these fabulous faux glasses. *Of course* we had to get them. She's my mini-me and since mommy wears glasses, Stasa must wear glasses. And how cute is she?!
Friday night was the first Redskins pre-season home game, so the girls and I were on our own for dinner. When I picked up Stasa from daycare I found out that she went potty TWICE. For the first time ever at school. Twice in one day? At school? That certainly was an occasion for ice cream before dinner. At the mall.
Tom and I were both up late on Friday night (although he was up much later that I). Needless to say we were both exhausted the next morning and not at all motivated to get out of bed. This was the first morning Stasa got up without waking us up. We woke up to her in the bathroom, flushing the toilet and yelling "I POO POOED!" Immediate thought: craaaaaaaaaaaap. Tom went in and found out that she had indeed pooped in the potty all on her own. Upon further inspection we found that she had peed in her Pull Up, taken it off in her room, attempted and failed to put on a clean one, peed on her Poang (thankfully it's super easy to wash), then ran to the potty to do the rest of her business. I was sure this was the switch that we had been waiting to be flipped.
I was wrong.
She wasn't at all interested in the potty for the rest of the weekend. Oh well. Progress is progress. I'll take what I can get.
We didn't do much the rest of the day, though Tom managed to get a couple of shots of me with the girls and I attempted to snap a few of them together. Of course neither wanted to cooperate until I put the camera away.
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