::sigh:: Poor Lexi. I took her to the Urgent Care Monday night because of this "impressive" rash.
Lexi had her 4 month well visit last Thursday and got 5 vaccinations (2 shots and 1 oral). She ended up with a low grade fever on Friday and Saturday, but Tylenol knocked that out pretty fast. Then we went out on Sunday and we noticed a small rash on her chest and back, but thought since it was so hot out (and she was crying - OF COURSE she was crying) that it was a simple heat rash. No big deal. Monday morning the rash was still there, but it wasn't terrible and she didn't have a fever so we took her to daycare. The rash spread like crazy over the day and was pretty bad by the time we picked her up (about the time that picture was taken). Our pediatrician's office was already closed and we didn't feel comfortable waiting until the morning, so off to Urgent Care we went.
Welp, she's got a cold and the rash is just part of the virus and it'll clear up in about a week or so.
And OF COURSE she's still not sleeping well at night. Tom and I "woke up" on Saturday morning, looked at each other, and laughed. Because we slept in 10 minute increments for a total of maybe MAYBE an hour of sleep. Maybe. Rinse and repeat Saturday night. And look how exhausted she was on Sunday when we got home.
We did manage to play a bit in the kiddie pool Sunday morning before it got too hot.
(pardon the boogie in her nose)
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