Once Stasa woke up, she and Tom made zucchini bread muffins. Well, really Tom made them. Stasa helped a little, but she was hungry and fussy, so she mostly just stood around whining.
After she got some food in her gullet, she was a much happier kid...not to mention a goofy one. She quite literally wore me out. Okay, she only partially wore me out. I, like the idiot I can be, decided that it would be fun to show her how to crab walk and chased her around the playroom like that. FYI to those of you that don't crab walk on a regular basis: it's not the best idea. Man, oh man, am I sore now.
(Oh, did I mention that she full-on pouts now? Yeah, it's kinda hilarious because she does it all the time now when we tell her no and then a second later she's cracking up because she can't keep the pout on.)
And we even managed to goof off a bit in the mirrors.
Oh and I didn't forget about little Lexi. She was such a fusspot and then was totally quiet and chill when I put her down on the floor. Probably the chaos around her kept her entertained. Either way, I wasn't rocking that boat, so I left her there, to take it all in.
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