Lexi's 22 (almost 23) weeks old. And clearly happy about it.
Lexi spends the majority of her time munching on her fists, arm, toys, us...pretty much anything nearby that she can get her mouth on.
When she's not doing that, she's doing all sorts of ninja moves.
I didn't say she was good at it.
Annnnnnnnnnnnnnd, drum roll please.................she's working on sitting up and can sit on her own for 10 seconds (without the boppy). She can tripod for much longer, but ends up toppling over because she tries to eat her feet while she's sitting up.
Sassy Pants has gotten pretty good about cleaning up when she makes a mess before getting out a new toy (although she insists that we help her clean up, thanks clean up song). She's really been into building castles lately and does a damn good job for a 2 1/2 year old, in my opinion.
Of course what goes up must come down. Demolition is much more fun than building.
What do you do with 3 over ripe bananas? Make banana bread...Mmmmm...banana bread. With lemon sugar icing.