Stasa is now three quarters of a year old. She went to her 9 month well baby check-up this morning. Here are her stats:
21 lbs, 9 oz: 90th percentile for weight
27.5": 50th percentile for height
I forgot the head measurements, but she's still in the 25th percentile there.
Dr. Hunter said we can decrease the amount we're putting in her bottles for daycare, but we don't need to drop any feedings yet. She also gave us the go ahead to start meat so I think we'll start with chicken. We're thinking of grinding it and making chicken meatballs - something easy for her to feed herself. She's almost on all table foods which makes meal times messier, but easier for us. She even had a few bites of my apple crisp at dinner tonight.
Oh and now that she's close to 22 lbs, we made retired the infant car seat and made the official switch to the convertible carseat.
On to the pictures!
The bad little girl trying to break into the cabinets.

"Uh, mom, cut it out with the camera!"

"I weigh how much?!"
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