Happy 38 weeks old! In 6 days Stasa will have been an "outside" baby for as long as she was an "inside" baby. I'm amazed at how fast the time is going by and how much our little baby has grown. She's standing unassisted all of the time now and cruising like a maniac and I keep trying to bribe her into walking, but she's not buying it. Not yet. She's also become quite the chatterbox and seems to have so much to say on the way to daycare and on the way home. She keeps saying "ghee" a lot and we're wondering if she's trying to call the kitty because she says it a lot when the cat's around.
Stasa spent a good 10 minutes chasing the cat in circles tonight or maybe the cat was chasing her. Either way the cat was definitely the instigator in that game. Tomorrow we're headed to Annapolis for the Renaissance Festival for Tom's birthday. I was going to make Stasa a little outfit, but got too lazy so she'll just have to make due with one of her many many outfits in her closet.

Look at the little trouble maker - she's chewing on her diaper basket.

"Hey, where did all of my kitchen toys go???"
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