First, some pictures from the past few days. Stasa had her friend, Nia, over Saturday night while Nia's older sisters and brother (and mom) went to the movies.
They ate goldfish...

...searched for more goldfish...

...and played in the tent.

And here's Stasa playing in her new fun playroom.

Letters taste like learning.

Yep, everything pretty much still goes in her mouth.

She loves sitting at her new table, as long as she gets to bang her duckies on it.

I told you letters taste like learning.


Playrooms are not just for children anymore.

Happy 41 weeks, Stasa!

Playrooms are not just for children anymore.

Happy 41 weeks, Stasa!
She is regularly taking little steps (read: 1 or 2) and then falling. She's so curious and is soaking up everything like the little sponge that she is. She will now clap on demand (in English and Greek) and will point to the "ee-eey" when the cat walks by. Well, she points and then takes off after her. We're trying to teach her that we pet "nice," but she hasn't caught on yet.
Stasa's going to join me at work tomorrow and then we're heading to Aunt Kelly's house to play with her and her mama.
Hooray, hooray, hooray! Friday is here (finally) and that means I get to play with Stasa!
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