2 more months until she's ONE! We've been fighting a cold for the past week or so and it's been no fun. But despite being under the weather, Stasa is taking on walking like it's her job. She's now choosing to walk about 1/3 of the time and crawling the rest. Tonight she walked behind her push lawnmower for the first time by herself! It's hard, too! You have to hold up the handle and you can't put all of your weight on the handle or it will fall. Unfortunately the minute I ran to grab my camera to capture it on video she had a major meltdown. Nothing would calm her down - not me, not Tom, not even the cat. She finally calmed down after some rocking and quiet time.
Here's the little monster with Godmother Kelly on Sunday
Awwww- I love it!
Oh my God sooo cute (and a lil jealous)!!!
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