38 weeks, 3 days.
No progress.
Well, technically I guess that's not completely fair to my body. I was considered 30% effaced and "soft," but no dilation, which after dealing with annoying and irregular contractions was a disappointment to hear. Oh and apparently I've lost weight. But that's not as surprising seeing as I can barely stomach a full meal without feeling overfull.
And so I wait. I go back for another check next week. But.
I'm tired. Exhausted. All the time. I wake up every few hours at night and it's been taking me longer and longer to fall back asleep. It seems worse this time and by the afternoon I'm ready to pass out, which I often do after logging off for the day.
I stupidly got my hopes up for this appointment knowing that I was getting checked. And I know, I know, cervical checks mean squat and that you can go from being closed up to fully dilated overnight and that you can walk around 3 cm dilated for days. But still. I had hoped for something - just a smidge of progress.
The other kids all came slightly early: Stasa at 38 weeks 6 days, Lexi at 38 weeks 5 days and Tommy at 39 weeks 1 day. Maybe this one just wants to be a trendsetter in the family.
Don't get me wrong. I'm incredibly happy that I'm healthy, that the baby is healthy and that I feel well other than the exhaustion. I'm grateful that I'm able to safely carry the baby to term and am not on bed rest or anything like that. But.
I'm tired. I said that already. But I am. So I bought myself a chocolate frosted donut to cheer up. And it helped.
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