I made a last minute appointment for both girls with the eye doctor for this past Saturday. I honestly thought that we would be in and out, but instead we wound up being there for a couple of hours. Stasa went first and did great during the first part of the exam. I was worried about Lexi cooperating since she refused the vision test at her annual physical exam. She actually did better than Stasa did.
Then we went back with the doctor. Stasa hopped up in the chair and had a bit of trouble focusing at first. We finally got her to understand the importance of being honest about what she was seeing and to try her hardest. She has a slight astigmatism in both eyes and is just slightly nearsighted. The doctor wrote out a prescription for glasses and mentioned that Stasa would likely only really need them in school.
She hopped down and then it was Lexi's turn. Lexi knows the alphabet, so I was confident that she would at least be able to get through the exam. After working through most of the exam, we paused and the doctor gave her some strong eye drops to dilate her eyes. Since it was going to take about 20 or so minutes for them to work we went next door to the Lenscrafters to let the girls pick out their frames and to get Stasa's glasses started.
The girls tried on nearly every pair of frames in the kids section and immediately settled on what they wanted. Not surprisingly Stasa chose pink plastic Ray Bans and Lexi picked out purple Ray Bans. Both much nicer than my first pair of glasses - something I pointed out to them when Stasa was a bit upset that she had to get glasses.
After that we went back to the doctor's office to finish up Lexi's exam. She actually did great and once the doctor found the right lenses for her she was able to identify most of the letters. Unfortunately her right eye is considered lazy. The doctor said she could only get it corrected to 20/30. She asked us to come back in six months to have her vision rechecked and to give the prescription a chance to help her eye get stronger. If when we come back her eye can't get to 20/25 with corrected vision, we'll be sent to see a specialist to discuss the possibility of patching. The doctor also suggested we have Stasa wear her glasses all of the time to make it easier for Lexi to keep her glasses on.
And with that news we took Lexi's prescription over to have her glasses made and went home to get Tom and Tommy before picking up their finished glasses. They've both been diligent about wearing their glasses since we picked them up. We also bought both of them cords to help keep the glasses tight on their faces. Stasa complains now and then about wearing them and not wanting the cord on her glasses, but I haven't given in because even with insurance glasses are pricey and I don't want them falling off of her face while she's playing outside or at school. Lexi, on the other hand, hasn't complained once. Not once. She carefully takes them off at night and for baths and puts them on first thing when she wakes up. We think she is seeing the benefit of having them (no pun intended). We've also pointed out all of the people in our family and who we know who also wear glasses. Luckily there are quite a few in our family who do and there are a handful of kids in Stasa's class who wear glasses and her wonderful teachers made a big deal about how awesome her new frames are.
And they both look absolutely adorable in their frames, don't they?

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