Another blogger I follow recently posted a list of mama confessions and I started listing mine in a comment to the post and realized I had quite a few and should just share them here, so here we go.
My girls don't always get bathed when they should, especially during the winter because we get so few hours with them during the week I opt to let them play with us a little longer instead of taking a bath. So, sometimes we start our weekend mornings off with bath time or I decide to throw them in the shower with me. Then there are nights when I know they need a bath, but I just don't feel like spending that much time cleaning them, so they get a quick 2 minute shower in their tub. And then there are nights when we just wash them down with a wipe and write an I.O.U. to the rest of their body. Thankfully I'm not nearly as lazy in the summer (maybe it's more sunlight?) so they actually get bathed every night then.
When Tom or I have to run an errand, we'd both prefer to go it alone, because let's be honest it's just so much easier to run in and out of a store without having to stop, buckle in a kid, then unbuckle a kid, wait for their little legs to walk all the way to the store and then through the store and on and on. Triple that if you have to go to more than one store to finish all of the erranding. Even with all of that hassle, we often choose to take one or both kids so the one staying at home can have quiet home time, which can be so.much.better than quiet store time sometimes. Think of everything you can do at home alone. You can pee. ALONE. Watch 30 minutes of your own television show. ALONE. Read. An actual book and not one that contains a moral learned from something Brother and Sister Bear have done.
I often have to sneak away and lock my bedroom door just so I can take a shower alone. Both of my girls think that shower or bath time is time for EVERYONE to join in and will show up butt naked ready to climb in if I leave the door unlocked. Sorry, kids, mama likes to lather rinse and repeat in silence.
I've been known to hide in the kitchen or another room so I can eat a piece of candy or chocolate without the kids knowing. Hell, really I should eat all meals and snacks in hiding because they inevitably want whatever it is that I'm having, even if they have a bowl of the exact same food. And if I want ice cream or something really special I just wait until the kids are in bed.
I've been known to tell Stasa that certain movies are broken and need to be sent back to the store to be fixed just so she doesn't melt down when I say we can't watch it. And mostly because I really really really can't watch The Little Mermaid. Again. It's like the only movie she ever wants to watch and we don't even watch movies all that often, but jeez, have some diversity. Which is why we've stopped watching The Fresh Beat Band - 90% of their songs are repeats on every episode. Lazy.
There are many many more confessions. Like how we sometimes have cereal for dinner because I can't think of a thing to eat and have no energy to get out more than a bowl, spoon, cereal, and milk.
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