The girls loved the large scene setter decoration with the Yo Gabba Gabba characters, although Tom and I thought it was weird that all of them were on there except Foofa. I kept the decorations with the thought of putting them in the playroom or in the girls' rooms for a little bit. I made the little food signs to add a bit more Gabba flare to the tables. We had Foofa's Fruit, Brobee's Veggies, Plex's Piggies, Muno's Meatballs, and Toodee's Tots. Tom and his mom did a lot of cooking for the party and made a ton of fried wings, meatballs, potato salad, and pigs in blankets (or as I call them, heart attacks on a stick).
The birthday girl had a blast and got to wear a new Yo Gabba Gabba outfit for the party.
She actually ate a plate of food and not just all junk. And then happily dug into her cake.
Look at that big girl. Ankles crossed and using a fork like a little lady. How did she grow up so fast??? After everyone left, she was perfectly happy playing with the many balloons that we got for the party.
And on her actual birthday, the big girl woke up so happy and became even more excited when she realized it was STILL her birthday. Three days of birthday. Who wouldn't love that?
At two years old Lexi is smart, funny, sassy, silly, cuddly, loving, and a ball of energy and laughs. She's so much more cautious than Stasa ever was and prefers to slide down the stairs on her butt rather than walk. Although she may also prefer that method because it's much faster than walking. LOL She craves cuddles in the morning and I hope that doesn't change anytime soon because I love them as much as she does. And on the eve of turning two she declared that she needed to go potty, dropped her pants, pulled off her diaper, climbed on the potty, and actually went! Even Stasa came in and cheered. Keep it up, big girl!
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