Weight: 36 lbs 2 oz: 86th percentile
Height: 40.2": 95th percentile
Head: 19.25"
We took Stas for her three year check up, a couple of months late. She ended up with one shot and actually thanked the nurses when they were done. Probably because they gave her a pretty Barbie band aid and band aids are like gold in this house.
The doctor told us it was time to have the "stranger talk" with Stas and mentioned something I hadn't even given thought to. He said usually parents tell their kids to find a policeman or policewoman when they're lost, but that doing that isn't always the most practical thing since there aren't cops literally everywhere. He said we should tell our kids to find a mommy because there is probably at least one mommy anywhere you go. He said to focus on looking for mommies since most predators (especially those snatching little girls) are usually men. Yes, that's a huge stereotype, but in my opinion it's largely correct. So when we're out and about we should point out mommies to her and tell her why they're a mommy; they have a stroller with a baby, they're pregnant, they have kids with them, etc. And then once we've done that a couple of times we should start pointing out mommies and then asking Stasa to tell us why she's a mommy. So we'll tell her to look for either a mommy or a policeman or policewoman if she doesn't see either of us. We also need to take her to our local fire department so she can see a fireman in his/her full gear since kids are generally scared of them if they haven't seen them before.
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