Happy birthday, baby!
I know, I know. It's belated, but I've been too tired in the evenings to blog. And I don't even have a lot of pictures from the big day, but it was fun. We went with a carnival/circus theme for Miss Lexi's first birthday. The decorations were mostly just brightly colored tablecloths and balloons and little hangy down guys for the ceiling.
We served a lot of "carnival" fare: sausages, chicken-on-a-stick, corn dogs, popcorn, caramel apples, candy, soft pretzels...I really wanted to have cotton candy, but that seemed like a mess to deal with, so we ended up with a candy bar and cupcakes. Speaking of cupcakes, Lexi didn't seem to mind at all when everyone sang to her and just sat patiently with her eye on her own cupcake. As soon as we placed the cupcake on her tray she dug in. Quietly and slowly eating every bite. So different from Stasa's full on meltdown at her first birthday.
I love celebrating the girls' birthdays in a big way because I think birthdays are so special and it's fun to have a whole day just about you (of course I have a whole month for me, but what are you gonna do?). I was shocked that we didn't get a single repeat book or toy and Lexi loves every single thing she got. It's interesting to see Stasa with Lexi's birthday gifts - she knows that they're Lexi's and knows that she has to ask to play with them. We're trying to teach her to share and that not everything is hers - I know, tough world, right?
So, what's next for the Lexifer? Well, she's officially on cow's milk during the day and I nurse her at night. I was going to try to plan out a weaning schedule for the night nursing, but I think she'll just wean naturally so I'm just going to go with the flow. We are working on getting her used to a sippy instead of a bottle and she's not too thrilled with that. At all. In fact, if I'm in the room she throws her sippy at me. But then she gets thirsty enough to pick it up and drink from it. I win.
We took both girls in for their annual check ups together and here are Lexi's one year stats:
Weight: 22 lbs 9 oz: 78th percentile
Height: 29.5": 62nd percentile
Head: 18": 68th percentile
Getting to be a big girl.
1 comment:
YAY! Wish I coulda been there. looks like lots o Fun.
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