Stasa and I went to Amy and Henry's today for our big playdate. We met Lesli and Alexis "Lulu", Helen and Landon and Nicole and Caroline. Nicole and Caroline didn't stay very long so I missed my opportunity to snap some pictures of them. The babies were well behaved and we all got a chance to sit down and have some coffee and food. I wanted to kidnap Amy's mom - she's so helpful!
Stasa tried out Henry's Bumbo and seemed pretty content in it. I guess this will be our next purchase for her. She really enjoys being upright and it would give our arms a break. Of course her favorite seat will always be on daddy's tummy.
Here are some pictures I took today.
Stasa trying out the Bumbo

Pic courtesy of Amy

Amy put together these cute gift buckets for us - I can't wait to take pics of Stasa in the flower headband

Amy's mom and Henry

Amy and Henry (that's Stasa's boyfriend)
Henry and Stasa
Baby heads from L to R: Lulu, Stasa, Henry, Landon

Stasa and Lulu
It's not easy getting a picture of 4 babies - Henry and Stasa are old pros now
Leslie and Alexis
Serious Landon
No, Stasa, that's not a nipple!
Lulu is a champion eater
Henry and Landon having a chat
Sweet baby girl

Helen and Landon
Stasa's boyfriend, Henry
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