Aunt Kelly and Stasa

Aunt Kelly helping Stasa hold her new lovey
Aunt Jennifer's first diaper change ever

Aunt Jennifer trying to comfort the Stasa Monster (she calmed down the minute Aunt Kelly held her)

Aunt Jennifer trying to comfort the Stasa Monster (she calmed down the minute Aunt Kelly held her)
Aunt Jennifer and Stasa photo shoot
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... Aunt Jennifer and Stasa took beautiful pictures. The poop series is hilarious. P.S. I did come to see you and Tom, too. Had to bring you your birthday cheesecake! It's just, well, Stasa is a but more cuddly with me than you are. tee hee
i had THE BEST weekend with you guys. i cant wait to come back in three short weeks!
my babies in la were happy to see me, though. stella slept on my pillow all night (and she gave me a sponge bath).
Next time you're both here, we'll get a lot more pics of you with Stasa. And we can have Tom take some of the four of us.
Kelly - we're still enjoying the bday cheesecake, though it won't be around much longer. =]
Nashifer - a doggie sponge bath is G-R-O-S-S. And what about poor poor Chester??
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