Whoo-hoo! 23 weeks and I'm exhausted! But at least I'm not tired from being pregnant - just from working on our house. This pregnancy has been really easy so far (knock on wood) and I hope that continues. My belly is getting a little bigger every day and last night I noticed my belly button is slowly popping out. There's a nice ring of stretched skin around my belly button. Which is probably why tattoos and piercings in that area are a bad idea (told ya, Jennifer!).
I still have no feeling at all whether we're going to have a girl or a boy. The other pregnant ladies I work with have been having crazy pregnancy dreams, but I haven't had any. Probably because I'm so dead tired my body just doesn't have the energy to come up with them. I can't believe I only have 119 days left until my due date. Let's hope I don't go too far beyond that (again, Jennifer thinking I'm going to go 2 weeks late!).
Okay, here are the weekly pictures you've been waiting for - no new fruit this week - I'm stuck on the papaya for a while.

Belly Shots
(okay, I know I look tired in this next pic, but that's only because I AM!)
my new prediction is january 16. this baby won't want to wait to play in her new house!
you're funny. i'll be happy as long as the baby isn't enormous. ouch!
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