My baby is already nine months old. I know I say this with every milestone and monthday, but seriously. How is he already nine months old? He's now been an outside baby longer than he was inside.
Tommy is still the happiest baby I know. He's cruising everywhere and holds on with just one hand, but isn't quite ready to try standing on his own. He crawls insanely fast and gets into things the girls had zero interest in. And now he's reached that "fun" age where I say no and he laughs hysterically and does the thing anyway. He basically eats whatever we eat now, which has made meals so much easier, though the little man can make a giant mess when he eats and often winds up in the sink for a quick bath.
He's still in nine month clothing, but he's slowly busting out of them. Before his well check I guessed that he would be pretty high on the height charts and somewhere around 20 pounds - at least that's what he feels like when I carry him. His official nine month stats:
Weight: 20lbs 7oz, 64th percentile
Height: 29 3/4", 94th percentile
Head: 18 1/4", 85th percentile
Our little man is just getting bigger and bigger and before we know it he'll be ONE.
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