A week ago we packed up and headed off to Ocean City to watch Jeff and Holly say "I do." And by pack up I mean frantically run around throwing things into suitcases and bags while checking email and answering questions on conference calls. To say I was a sweaty mess would be an understatement. We had to get on the road by noon in order to get there in time for the rehearsal dinner, which we had already RSVPed yes to. I stupidly chose sleep over packing the night before and silently cursed myself Friday morning once I realized how much time packing takes up. It didn't help much that I decided to keep Tommy home that morning since he was coming with us.
I finally managed to get everything packed and stuffed in the car with a few minutes to spare, but not enough to do my hair or makeup. Oh well, I figured I'd just do both in the car. The ride up there was pretty nice and went by fast and we ended up getting to the hotel with enough time to get checked in, freshened up and dressed before heading out to the dinner. I tried and failed at putting my hair in one of those hair donut thingys. When we got to the restaurant I saw my cousin, Alexis, and she had perfected the hair donut bun. Of course. I'm hiring her to do my hair for events from now on.
Tom and I had a fantastic time as we usually do at family weddings. They're our favorite type of wedding, outside of our own, obviously. I love catching up and hanging out with family at weddings. We're all so goofy, which makes the reception part so.much.fun. One of the best parts was having so many people want to hold Tommy. We actually got to eat our dinner with both hands, like normal adults.
Holly was a beautiful bride and I've never seen Jeff happier than he was on that day. I hope they have many many happy years ahead of them.
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