I'm changing the format up a bit this week. I follow quite a few blogs and a lot of the pregnant moms try to keep it interesting by posting the same questions each week. Here we go:
How far along? 28 weeks (yay third trimester!)
Total weight gain/loss: Who knows. I haven't really been paying close attention to my weight gain, but my doctor did tell me that it would be okay for me to gain a little more than I have.
Maternity clothes? Most definitely, but I'm still on the hunt for work pants. I picked up a pair of more casual black pants I can wear to the office and a pair of black skinny pants, but I'd like some more suiting material pants.
Stretch marks? No new ones, just the same old ones I've had from growth spurts as a teen.
Symptoms: Exhaustion. And recently my hip/butt area has been in pain. I think maybe I have a pinched nerve or something because my left leg occasionally goes numb, but laying on a heating pad definitely helps.
Sleep: Usually pretty good if I actually make it to bed before passing out on the couch. Although last night was a rare night of sleeplessness thanks to both girls being up from about 2:30 am to 4:30 am.
Best moment this week: Winning an award at work! And hearing the baby's heart beating at the 28 week appointment. I'll never tire of hearing it.
Have you told family and friends: Loooooong ago, although some are still just now discovering that I'm pregnant.
Miss Anything? Occasionally I miss wine. Especially when I've had a long and trying day.
Movement: Like a kickboxer. LOL This baby is stretching out like crazy and really responds when the girls talk to it or if Lexi hugs my belly.
Food cravings: No consistent cravings, but I have been wanting sweets this week.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Baby is a: surprise!
Belly Button in or out? In, but that's to be expected since it remained an innie throughout both of my previous pregnancies.
Wedding rings on or off? On and hopefully they stay that way.
Happy or Moody most of the time: It depends on the amount of sleep I manage to get, but mostly even tempered or happy or even slap happy.
Looking forward to: An adult brunch this weekend without the girls and some clothes shopping for me, again without the girls.
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