It's been awhile since I've updated on the next little Merklet, mostly because there's not much to talk about. I'm feeling good - mostly tired, but then again I think that's normal for just about any parent. All of my nausea and most of my food aversions have gone away, but it looks like my good old friend heartburn is here to stay. I'm only hoping that my other friend sciatica stays away this time. My next appointment isn't until just before Thanksgiving and we won't go for our big ultrasound until sometime in mid-December.
For now, I need to make my tired self actually start documenting this pregnancy, starting with my weekly belly pictures. But since I've got the sicky face and am still wearing my pajamas I'm not taking my first belly picture like this. I'll wait until I've had time to pretty myself up so you all can think that I always look like a normal human.
Alright, so no belly picture, but look at this! Little Merklet is the size of an orange now and just growing and growing.
And I'm going to hold myself accountable for taking a decent belly picture this weekend - although there's not much to see yet...mostly bloat.
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