The other day I took the girls to the Family Dollar so they could pick out five gifts each for Tom. They had way too much fun deciding what daddy needed. After careful consideration, Stasa selected a crazy purple ghost skull with light up eyes, a Captain America figurine, a watch with flames on it, a bag of marbles, and a reusable travel mug. Lexi was much quicker with her selections. She chose play money, dinosaur grow capsules, a play gun and sheriff's badge, a whoopee cushion, and a sink strainer.
After we opened gifts we went out for Mongolian BBQ and then came home for ice cream cake. And then poor Tom spent the rest of his night writing his annual assessment for work. We'll get to celebrate a bit more this weekend though. We're headed to the Renaissance Fair tomorrow after dance class and then to the Redskins game on Sunday for our anniversary.
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