Sunday we got up early to see what the Easter Bunny brought and both girls were excited when they saw their baskets.
The Bunny was thoughtful and gave the girls a small chocolate bunny and the rest was little toys and bath towels. It's almost like the Bunny knew we would appreciate not having candy-filled baskets and candy-filled children. Thank you, Easter Bunny!
Once both girls had a chance to eat some of their chocolate rabbit's head, we got them dressed and ready for mass.
Both girls were relatively well behaved in church. Stasa was thrilled that the priest tossed some holy water her way, but was a bit sad that he was no longer wearing purple robes and instead had plain white on, because, you know, church is all about fashion.
After mass was over, we managed to get caught in a massive traffic jam in the church parking lot. It seems that everyone left their manners in church and forgot about being nice to their fellow man once they hit the pavement. We just played with the girls for the rest of the day and took them to a small playground after their nap to take advantage of the nice weather. And since we were already out and near a bunch of restaurants, we had Easter dinner at the house of kabob, Moby Dick.
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