Despite this ridiculous face, she's actually a big morning person and is immediately happy and wide awake. See?
Lexi's becoming such a big girl now and is starting to walk more than crawl (though sometimes she gets so excited she goes a bit too fast and face plants). She's so good about entertaining herself when we're all playing. Just last night we were all in the playroom after bath and Lexi quietly sat sorting through all of her toys. And this morning she happily played in the playroom while we got ready for the day, granted her playing was really her banging toys on the table. But still: self entertainment. I'll take it.
Some days we'll be sitting around and she'll do something - like walk around the room or clap or whatever - and it hits me how old she is now. Really, I get that feeling with both girls. I still can't believe we have a three year old now and definitely can't believe a whole year has almost gone by.
We're starting to get a glimpse of what it'll be like when the two girls play - really play - together. I mean, this is her face whenever Stasa decides to play with her.
I love these two - they make our days so much fun.
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