Our planets look like they're out of order, but they're hung in a circle, surrounding the sun. They are a *bit* off in terms of how far away they are, but we had limited space. So from left to right, here's what we've got: Neptune, Jupiter (the sun spot is on the other side, and it's glorious), Earth (with one of the ten red moons Stasa insisted it should have), Mercury, Sun, Venus, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus. No Pluto.
I got a gift card to Michael's as part of my Christmas gift from Matt and Loula. I went to Michael's intent on buying scrapbooking supplies and walked out with the makings of a solar system instead. It took us a few days, and Stasa obviously had help on the painting front, but it was a fun project and it's now proudly displayed in the playroom.
Stasa started off painting the sun and got most of it covered before she spied the tiny styrofoam balls and the red paint. After that all bets were off. She insisted on painting like ten moons for Earth. All red. Since she was hell bent on using red, we had her work on Mars and some of Jupiter. After a couple of days, I finally convinced her to try white and yellow to paint Saturn. Then it was back to the moons.
I think I might make a little poster with velcro planets so she can learn their correct order, not that it's urgent she know that this very minute, but it would be an easy DIY project to make. And she loves the one I made for learning the shapes.
So far we've spent the majority of 2012 playing. Tom and I have become obsessed with Words with Friends and spend a lot of our down time playing it. Against each other. While in the same room. Really we should just break out the Scrabble board.
Lexi took her first steps right before the New Year and will occasionally take a few steps here and there, but only when my camera isn't around. She *will* stand on her own all of the time and walks with easy if she's holding on to something. Even if she has to hold that something up, like the baby doll stroller. I guess she just needs that safety blanket. I did manage to get a video of her taking few tiny steps and will upload that soon. She's shaping up to be just as headstrong as her big sister.
Cat and mouse
Sink baths
Driving, already
Little Miss Attitude
Miss Blue Eyes
And the BrownGreenYellow Eyed Beauty
Of course the dollhouse is still a bit hit. And the strangest things happen in that dollhouse. For instance, check out the feast going on here.
I love seeing how imaginative she is when she plays with the house.
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