On our way to the stadium:
Waiting for kick-off:
Lexi was such a happy baby and was in the best mood during the whole game.
And I managed to get a semi-decent picture of me and Tom:
Oh. Apparently I'm the rudest person ever for changing my baby out in the open. The men's and women's restrooms don't have changing tables and there was no way I was changing Lexi on the floor of *that* bathroom. So we opted to change her in the stands during halftime. She was naked for maybe a second - long enough for me to remove her diaper, Tom to wipe her, and me to put the clean diaper on. Okay, maybe she was naked a full 5 seconds. As we're getting her dressed I hear this commotion behind me. I turn around and see this girl who's maybe 21, 22? and she's dramatically shielding this little 7 or 8 year old boy's eyes and telling him not to look at the naked girl down there. I was like "she's a BABY." Thanks for sexualizing my baby. I mean, this girl was acting like I was busy changing an adult. Such a ridiculous reaction and she probably drew more attention to the fact that we were changing a baby. I was half tempted to whip out my boob to nurse Lexi, but opted to laugh at the whole thing instead.
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