The past few nights have been a joke when it comes to sleep. Take a look at how the nights have gone.
Night one: Stasa refused to sleep until midnight. MIDNIGHT. It would have been fine had she stayed in her own room, but no, there was crying, whining, screaming, and coming into our room. Around the 6th or 7th time she came in our room I lost it and started laughing hysterically. I mean the whole thing was so ridiculous. She finally fell asleep and then Tom and I passed out, too. Cue Lexi. She was up at 2:00, 4:00, 6:00, and 8:00. It was a well timed act performed by our two drama queens.
Night two: Lexi actually slept until 2:00 so I felt somewhat rested when I got up to feed her. She fell asleep after eating, so I put her sound machine on and put her down in her crib. I went back to my room only to find that a little toddler had crawled into our bed. Since she was somewhat in the middle of the bed (and asleep) I left her there, crawled in and fell asleep. But then Lexi woke up around 4:00. And I didn't get much rest with Stasa in the bed. She alternated elbowing me in the side and smacking me in the face. After feeding Lexi and getting her back to sleep, I came back to my room to get back in bed, but there wasn't any room for me. In the short time I was out of bed Stasa sprawled out and the cat had joined her. I didn't have the heart to move Stasa and the cat was giving me the stink eye so I grabbed the monitor and slept in the guest room.
Night three: Stasa stayed in her own bed all night long. And thank god for that because I had my hands full with Lexi. Oh Lexi. Let's see. I went up to bed around 11:00 and she was dead asleep and I thought I'd be able to get a few hours of sleep in before she got up to eat. As if. She was up at 12:30, back down at 1:00, up at 2:00, back down at 2:30, up at 3:00, back down at 3:30, up at 3:45, back down at 4:00, up at 4:15, FINALLY back down at 6:30, then up again at 8:00 (along with Stasa).
I can not stress enough how much I need a solid night of sleep. And while I look and feel like absolute death today, Lexi is happy as a clam.
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