She may look cute and innocent, but that little darling will tun on you in a heartbeat. Take last night for instance. She went to bed without a problem. We eventually made our way upstairs to bed and settled in for a peaceful night of sleep...or so we thought.
1:30 AM
Crying...more crying...still crying
I go into Stasa's room to see what's wrong and she's crying about her blanket and is halfway out of bed. I tuck her back in and feel around blindly until I find her blankie and then lay down with her to calm her down and hopefully get her back to sleep.
Quiet. Finally. I go back to my bed and settle in to go back to sleep. I'm just falling asleep when I hear little feet padding into our room. At this point I'm too tired to get back out of bed so I just pull her into our bed thinking she'll fall asleep once she's snuggled in.
Ha, was I wrong. As soon as she was settled in the bed it was like BAM play time. I have no idea how she was that wide awake, but I was not amused. It wasn't until around 4:30 or so that her tossing and turning finally woke up Tom, too. I can't even remember how many times I said "lay down, Stasa" or "it's sleep time". Around 5:30 I realized she wasn't wiggling around anymore and was laying still. I chanced it and peered over her - ASLEEP!
Only now it was 5:30 and I usually get up at 6:00 to start working. Eff it, I thought. I'd rather sleep. I slept until 7ish and got up to try to work, but realized I was a walking zombie. Since Stasa was still passed out in our bed, I crawled back in and fell asleep. We both finally woke up a little before 10:00 and while I still feel somewhat like a walking zombie, it's better than no sleep at all. Stasa, of course, woke up fully refreshed.
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