Today Tom and I went to the Redskins game in the miserable cold rain and Stasa spent the day with Aunt Kelly, who is much much more ambitious than I am with a toddler. They played, walked Finley, baked cookies, bathed Finley, and had a blast. Kelly, of course, took plenty of pictures to document the adorableness.
Stasa feeding Finley, who is so patient with our little girl
Playing in her favorite place: Finley's cage
Kisses from Finley
The 2 cuties
Aunt Kelly and Stas in their jerseys
Playing outside with Finley
Annnnnnd jumping in the tub fully dressed because she thinks every bath is for her
Helping bathe the puppy
The rest of the weekend seems so blah compared to everything Aunt Kelly and Stasa did. Saturday we ran errands, realized that we'll never go to the post office in December again, bought our Christmas 'ree, and lounged around.
Here's the rest of our weekend in pictures.
Slowly waking up on Saturday - a hard thing to do when you start the day at 6:00 AM
Trying to reach her hair bows
Our other "baby" giving me her WTF do you want face
"Leave me be"
Watching more football after the Redskins game
Me and the cutie
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