The bridesmaids wore beautiful sarees for the ceremony - here's the back of a few of them.
Pankaj rode with his sarbala during the Barat.
He was then carried inside for more dancing and celebrating.
After the Barat we made our way downstairs for the Milni, but mostly hung out with friends since everything was a couple of hours behind.
My camera battery started dying at this point since I forgot to recharge it, so I only got a few more pictures with it before having to rely on my cell phone. And since it was a pretty confined area, we let Stasa loose to burn off some energy. We were hoping she would wear herself out and take a nap during the ceremony, but she had other plans, which included staying awake ALL DAY LONG.
Tom tried to get a good picture of me and Stasa, but she and the camera refused to cooperate.
After the Milni, we made our way into the ballroom for the ceremony. It was so odd because people were coming in and out the whole time and eating and drinking and talking and walking up to the altar and taking pictures. Or standing right in the middle of the aisle to take pictures as Pooja walked in.
Here are the groomsmen dancing in:
And Pankaj walking in with his parents:
I didn't get one of Pooja walking because it was CROWDED, but I did get some of her and Pankaj on the altar.
We left about halfway through the ceremony since Stasa was getting super fussy (which seemed normal - even some of the bridesmaids left) and went to get a bite to eat across the street.
We came back to cocktail hour, which I didn't get any pictures of, but was beautiful, and had a few snacks and drinks with our friends before heading down to the main ballroom for the reception. The reception was supposed to start at 8:30, but they were running late again, so we didn't really head down until closer to 9:00 and even then they were just finishing set up since the morning ran 2 hours over.
I have never before (and will probably never again) seen a wedding reception as large as this one. It took up three giant ballrooms, basically the entire bottom floor of the hotel. There were FIFTY-SIX tables of 10. FIFTY-SIX. That's 560 people. I don't even know that many people. It was also beautiful - crystals and pretty light everywhere.
We were at table 36:
And Stasa FINALLY fell asleep:
Only to wake up again when they introduced the family and bride and groom. When they introduced the sisters, they popped champagne in an arc as they walked in. And then the emcee said "follow the light as we welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pankaj and Pooja Malhotra!" We followed the light and saw this - a human-drawn carriage with the bride and groom standing and waving.
At that point it was already pushing 10:30 and Stasa was upset and awake, so we decided to call it a night and head home. I can't wait to see all of the pictures everyone else took. I'm still kicking myself for forgetting to charge my camera battery.
Updated: more pictures of Pooja's wedding
The bride and her "brothers":
One of the bridesmaids making her entrance:
The bride and groom at the reception:
The bride's sister:
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