We went to her 18 month appointment yesterday; wanna know her stats?
28 lbs (95th! percentile, yes, you read that right NINETY-FIFTH, as in only 5% of little girls her age are bigger than her)
33" tall (75th percentile)
18.2" head (50th percentile)
I really think she's going to be at least 5'8" or 5'9" as an adult. They say you can double their height at 2 years old and get a good idea of their adult height.
Part of my conversation with Dr. Hunter:
Dr. Hunter: Does she scribble?
Me: Oh, boy does she scribble.
DH: Is she drinking from a cup?
Me: She's been drinking from a sippy since 9 months and she can take a few sips from a regular cup.
DH: Can she point to her body parts?
Me: She can point to her nose, head, belly and feet. We're still working on the other parts.
DH: Does she have at least 7 words?
Me: Yep.
DH: Which ones?
Me: Mommy, daddy, duckie, doggie, yes...wait, does it count as a word if she says something that's not a real word, but does have meaning?
DH: Like what?
Me: Like she says "bah-boo" and totally means ball or says "bee" for her bears.
DH: No, those don't really count.
Me: Well, she definitely has at least 7 words.
DH: Okay...can she climb into a chair?
Me: Psh, she's part monkey. She can climb up on most anything.
DH: Is she eating okay?
Me: Well, she's picky, but not like picky-picky, just toddler picky. She eats a lot.
DH: What's a lot?
Me: Well, most days she eats the lunch we pack and then also eats 1/2 of someone else's lunch.
DH: She really doesn't need to be eating more than 1 lunch.
Me: So, when do you think we can say "what's on your plate is it for dinner"?
DH: She's big enough you can say that now.
Poor Stasa, she needs to put down the fork. She also got 3 shots, but I've already forgotten which ones (bad bad mom) and she won't need any more vaccinations until she's 4. I was told over and over again how healthy looking she was. And Dr. Hunter literally laughed when she saw Stasa's little potbelly.
Stas was not at all happy with getting shots, but cheered right up when her favorite nurse let her choose a toy. She chose a little plastic Spongebob and a Highlights magazine.
So all in all, it was a good appointment. We don't go back until Stas is 2 years old.
Oh and yesterday evening, after I told Tom about the vocabulary discussion, we counted up her "real" words: mommy, daddy, duckie, doggie, yes, i did and then we forgot the rest. But then this morning we both looked at each other and were like "SHOE"! If you count her Stasa-language words that have meaning, she has a much larger vocabulary. I guess we'll have to work on enunciating more and practicing with her.
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