And speaking of water, this kid can't get enough of it and squeals when it's bath time, too. She stands at the edge of the tub, stretching to get into the warm water and the minute her butt hits the tub, she scrambles to toss in her toys and spends the majority of the time splashing and thrashing like a wild child.
On Thursday, I spontaneously decided to stop at the playground on the way home from work since I had packed flip flops for myself and it was a gorgeous day. Stasa ran straight to the swings, but then was ready to get out and run around after just a few pushes. She figured out how to climb up the structure to get to the slide and even sat and pushed herself down the slide, but she hasn't quite grasped the "take your turn" approach to playground play. As soon as she reached the bottom of the slide, she clamored back up the slide to go again. Unfortunately there were a few other kids waiting not-so-patiently for their turn, so Stasa learned a hard lesson that day: SHARE. She also managed to scare a little girl who was about 3 by simply running up to her with her shark teeth exposed in a humongous grin. Apparently this little girl is never around other kids and gets frightened easily. Kind of strange.
And it's not quite summer without crunching into a slice of watermelon, is it? Stasa LOVES watermelon, as do Tom and I, and the way she eats it cracks us up. She DEVOURS eat piece just like her daddy.
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