We had quite the Friday night, but first some playtime pictures. Stasa is LOVING the Busy Ball Popper and has learned how to turn it on all by herself. I love watching her little hairs blowing up when she sticks her face over the popper.

I got Tom to snap a few shots of me with the monster, too. See how she loves being forced to take a picture with mama?

I got Tom to snap a few shots of me with the monster, too. See how she loves being forced to take a picture with mama?

I had originally planned to take part of Friday off to photograph Rob and Kristen's newborn, but Geraldine was sick so I rescheduled the photo shoot for Saturday. Stasa woke up Friday morning with a fever of 101.1, so I gave her a little bit of Motrin and monitored her temperature for the rest of the morning. About 2 hours after she had the Motrin, it was back to 98.6, so I chalked the fever up to her cutting her first year molars.
The rest of the day she was clingy and whiny and refusing food, but still didn't have a fever. At that point I threw in the towel and logged off my computer to take care of her. I finally got her to nap late in the afternoon and she didn't wake up until Tom came home around 4:30. She was burning up when I went in to get her. I took her temp and it quickly went up to 103.1. YIKES. I gave her some Motrin and water and left a message for the on-call doctor. I thought it might be higher since she had just woken up and was wrapped in blankets. I took her temp again about 30 minutes later and it went up to 103.8.
We said screw waiting for the doctor to call back and ran out to the Urgent Care. The doctor listened to her lungs: all clear; checked her ears: all clear; checked for rashes: only a fever rash. She finally told us they would need to take a urine sample with a catheter.
Trying to console a 1 year old while a doctor inserts a catheter is not the easiest or most fun job. The initial tests came back positive for a urinary tract infection, which is apparently very common in diapered little girls. She prescribed an antibiotic and told us we could increase the amount of Motrin we give her.
The doctor said if her fever continued after 2 days, we'd have to come back in to get a different type of antibiotic. The rest of the weekend we monitored Stasa's temperature (I've become a pro at wielding a rectal thermometer) and it would be over 102 and then down to 98.8 over and over again until Sunday when it finally regulated.
Poooooor Stasa! Good mama for taking such good care of the lil' monster. Glad to hear she's on the mend.
Yo, Stasa. I totally em-pasize with you. When I had a ass infection I was up at 104. That shit was wack. Hope you feel better real soon. Can't wait to lick yo face.
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