Stasa and I went to the Montgomery County Agriculture Fair today with Lauren & Audrey, Lesli & LuLu and Traci (Lesli's sister) & Garrett. It was freaking hot out, so we only stayed about an hour and then headed over to Lesli's house for some air conditioned play time.
Here's Stasa ready to go at the fair. She started fussing halfway through, so I unbuckled her and then let her ride in the bed of the stroller.

Lesli put out a platter with cheese, crackers, paper plates and napkins. Stasa got hold of a paper plate and napkin. The plate made the rounds with all of the babies. Here's Audrey taking her turn munching on the plate.

We tried getting a good shot of Garrett, but he wasn't too happy when we took his pacifier out.

Stasa was loving all of the ladies. She especially loved climbing on Lauren.

And of course all of the babies wanted the toys that weren't theirs. Lauren and I gave Audrey and Stasa their own toys, but they immediately swapped. Here's Stasa with one of Audrey's fun toys.

Getting a group picture is becoming harder now that the babies are more mobile. Here's the best shot I could get of the ladies.

And then they fell apart. Audrey was done with group time and LuLu took down Stasa.
Lu's got a career in the WWE.

Audrey's got a beautiful one-tooth smile.

Lu's gummy smile and pretty new earrings.

Garrett was puckering up for the ladies.
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