First Tom had it. He slept for like 3 days straight. I thought Stasa and I were in the clear until she woke up Tuesday morning with a fever and congestion. A trip to the doctor confirmed that we both have the flu. It's fun times in the Merkel house now. Sleepy, achy mama trying to care for clingy, whiny Stasa. Here are some pictures from our morning, so you can feel bad for us.
Watching Baby Einstein
Relaxing with her lovey

"Come get meeeeeeeee, mama!"
awwwwwwwwwwwww..... i wish i could come to the rescue. i would scoop up Stasa and attempt to be an acceptable replacement for Mama while you nap. oh, and if i could, i'd make you some chicken noodle soup, too. alas, i must sit at my desk and try and find work to do.
oh no! look at that crumpled little face. hope you both feel better soon. but what were you guys thinking catching the flu in JULY??? weirdos!
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