Today is Stasa's 5th monthday! Only 1 more month until she's 1/2 a year old and starts solids. I started reading Super Baby Food last night to get ready for our introduction to solids. I am leaning towards skipping rice cereal and oatmeal and going straight to avocados. They're higher in fat and have lots of nutriental value and a very low risk for allergies.
I took Stasa to the pool for the first time yesterday. I asked Peter to snap a couple of pictures of her in the pool. While he did take pictures, he didn't quite get Stasa in them. She HATED her raft, but tolerated the pool as long as I was holding her against me. We'll keep taking her so she can get used to the pool. She got to wear her super cute iplay swim diaper. I liked it so much, I'm definitely getting larger ones for later in the summer.

Here are a couple of videos from Friday. She was having a blast with her lovey and playing peek-a-boo!
not to mention that avocados make for much better spit up than rice cereal.
i love that raft, so cool! where did u get it? happy 5 months Stasa!
Thanks, Helen! I got it at WalMart in the pool section. I think it was only like $12.
hahhaah! she looks so surprised/delighted to see you in peek-a-boo!!
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