Where was I? Oh, right. 4 month wakeful. I'm now a believer of it. Because my little sleep-through-the-nighter is slowly turning me into a mumbling zombie. It now takes f.o.r.e.v.e.r. to put her to sleep and she only sleeps for about 3-4 hours before she's back up, ready to party.
Needless to say, we're Ferber-izing her this weekend. For those that don't know, it's a method of sleep training that involves crying it out (CIO) and checking on the baby at different intervals (3 minutes, 5 minutes, 7 minutes, etc.).
So, since I'm a walking zombie, I'm not going to attempt any more words. Instead I'll leave you with these pictures.
"Hey, mom, check out my new war wound."

"What are you doing, daddy?"
1 comment:
if i can train re-re chester to sit and stay, you can definitely get stasa to comfort her little self back to sleep. (and better for her to cry it out than you crying it out cuz you're so friggin exhausted.)
be strong!!! sending lots of love (and sweet dreams) your way!
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